Yesterday I had all kinds of stuff planned- meeting with my fellow Discussion Group Leaders for MOPS, lunch with a dear friend and B's last t-ball game. Until sweet little A woke up with a fever. All the thoughts started racing through my head. You know the ones. "What if I cancel everything and then he feels better in an hour?" "Should I call the Dr.?" "If I call the Dr. and make an appointment, A will be just fine by the time we get there and then all the nice ladies at Dr. S's office will think I'm on of THOSE parents, not to mention the $45 we'll be out for our stupid co-pay." (Although seeing my secret crush, Dr. S, is always worth that $45... ;) ) "What if he has West Nile Virus and I'm NOT taking him to the Dr.?"..... "I'm a terrible parent." "Do I add a degree when I take his temp. under his arm or not?"
Finally, the rational part of me decided we needed to stay home and see how things went. I called everyone and cancelled everything and then I sat. All day. With a very warm little boy snuggled up on my chest. At first I drove myself crazy thinking of everything I *should* be doing. The dishes and laundry were calling my name and the family room floor was yelling my name. But every time I moved, A would whimper and snuggle in even closer. So I sat. And began to relax. And decided that there was no where else on earth I'd rather be. It won't be long before mommy can't fix all the owies with a kiss, or make a feverish baby all better by holding him close. But right now I can. And that's all that matters.
Today, well, A woke up feeling 110% better and ready to take on the world (or at least the house) and the snuggles are a thing of the past. It's back to laundry, dishes, vacuuming and rescuing A from all the crazy situations he gets himself into. Would it be too much to ask for just one more day of snuggling?
Finally, the rational part of me decided we needed to stay home and see how things went. I called everyone and cancelled everything and then I sat. All day. With a very warm little boy snuggled up on my chest. At first I drove myself crazy thinking of everything I *should* be doing. The dishes and laundry were calling my name and the family room floor was yelling my name. But every time I moved, A would whimper and snuggle in even closer. So I sat. And began to relax. And decided that there was no where else on earth I'd rather be. It won't be long before mommy can't fix all the owies with a kiss, or make a feverish baby all better by holding him close. But right now I can. And that's all that matters.
Today, well, A woke up feeling 110% better and ready to take on the world (or at least the house) and the snuggles are a thing of the past. It's back to laundry, dishes, vacuuming and rescuing A from all the crazy situations he gets himself into. Would it be too much to ask for just one more day of snuggling?